As we reach the end of 2018, we have to reflect on the experiences and lessons of the past year, one of which is disaster preparedness. From multiple hurricanes, to the California fires, to the recent earthquake in Alaska, it seems we heard of another disaster striking our country every few weeks this year. In the wake of each new disaster, we are left wondering how this could have happened or what we could have done better. As individuals and as a nation, we can do better and learn from the past. One of the things we can do to... View Article
Manufacturing facilities must do their due diligence to avoid endotoxin contamination in their water supplies. This is especially true for any facilities that manufacturer pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food or drink products. It is imperative that water purification systems be implemented to constantly test for endotoxin contamination and properly deal with it if it is uncovered. But what exactly are endotoxins, and why is it so important to get them out of a water supply? Here’s some important information to know relating to this critical element of industrial water purification in Cincinnati, OH. About endotoxins Most simply put, an endotoxin is a... View Article
For the average person, water purification is something you do around the house to make sure you have clean drinking water and clean water for dishes and laundry. But water purification can also occur on a much larger scale than that. At Ultra Pure Water Technologies, we specialize in numerous methods of industrial water purification in Cincinnati, OH, and as such, we need some large-scale equipment and top-of-the-line technology to be able to purify water in mass quantities for a wide variety of applications. Deionized and demineralized water is important for keeping manufacturing parts completely clean and spot-free, and is... View Article
Have you ever used an industrial or commercial water softener in Cincinnati, OH? If so, then you might have some idea of how it works, and why it is important to use one. That being said, many people do not know how an industrial water softener in Cincinnati, OH works, or what value these devices can bring. Here is an overview of why industrial water softening is a vital process, as well as an explanation of how it works. The importance of water softeners “Hard” water contains a high amount of different minerals, meaning it can literally be hard on... View Article
Are you hoping to learn more about industrial and commercial water treatment systems in Cincinnati, OH. If so, you have come to the right place! Industrial water treatment systems in Cincinnati, OH and around the world exist to take “raw” water—that is, untreated water that you find out in nature—or other types of water, and make it suitable for drinking, cleaning or whatever the intended purpose for that water may be. Industrial and commercial water treatment systems in Cincinnati, OH can take many different forms, including cooling tower systems, wastewater treatment systems, raw water treatment systems and boiler feed treatment... View Article